Veterans' Home @Peace
Peace University is home of Veterans. Peace University Center for Advanced Research and Development {C.A.R.D} continues to research and find solutions to Veterans problems. We closely monitor and keep developing programs to address rapidly changing landscape with Afghan war wrapping up and hundreds of thousand of veterans returning home programs including Capacity Building, Enabling Civilian Careers, Rehabilitation, Smooth and successful Transition, Leadership, Soft Skills, Job Readiness.
The mission of Peace University includes:
To promote academic excellence by offering quality programs in Peace, Ethics, Conflict Resolution, Tolerance, Anger Management, Youth Engagement, Women Empowerment, Capacity Building and other relevant areas.
To conduct conferences, workshops, seminars, symposia and other activities in sync with our goals and objectives. Peace University is an equal opportunity institution to serve regardless of ethnicity, creed, faith, race, color, age, sex, origin, familial status or physical conditions.
To make alliances, partnerships, collaborations and team up globally with like minded
institutions who share the same mission and vision.
The philosophy behind such offerings is to prepare citizens to deal with the challenges with a balanced, healthy mind by promoting, peace, harmony, mutual coexistence, spiritual and in turn holistic healing.